It’s no secret that you are the most comfortable in your own home. Though keeping the perfect temperature in your home can become costly when you are trying to battle the heat during the hot summer months. This is a time when you might see your energy bill increase significantly, which is enough to make you sweat without summer’s blistering heat! 

Fortunately, you can benefit from a cool home without running your cooling systems 24/7, which will lower your energy costs and save you some of those hard-earned dollars. Read on for five ways to improve the temperature in your home.

1. Try a Programmable Thermostat

Utilising a programmable thermostat to operate your cooling systems means that you can have complete control over your home’s temperature all through the day, even when you are not home. You can select the exact times each day that you want your air conditioning unit to switch on and off. You could schedule the thermostat to begin functioning shortly before you get home from work each day so that you can come back to a refreshingly cool house. A programmable thermostat will allow you to save energy and money from cooling the house unnecessarily. It’s also a good idea to only cool the areas in the home you will be using. It will be unnecessary and expensive to cool down a room you aren’t going to use.


2. Utilise Your Curtains

As well as being a decorative feature in your home, your curtains can play a critical role with temperature control. Windows that receive direct sunlight during the day will let heat into your home, so it’s best to ensure these windows have decent blockout window coverings. By keeping your curtains closed during the early and late hours of the day you will be able to block out some of the heat entering your home. This will significantly reduce the temperature of your home and save you on energy bills as your air conditioning units won’t need to work overtime to bring down the temperatures.

3. Whole House Fans

The Australian heat can soar to some extreme temperature during summer each year which can make us rely heavily on the usage of air conditioning units. But what if there was an energy-efficient alternative that was useful all year round? Whole house fans can circulate natural air throughout your home during every season, meaning you can keep a comfortable temperature and bring fresh air in your home through all seasons. A whole house fan can cool your home efficiently in just minutes, remove stale air and odours, reduce energy costs and improve air quality. Want to know more? Get in touch with our friendly team!

cooler-and-fresher wholehouse fan

4. Only Use Appliances Where Necessary

The temperature inside your home can also be influenced by things inside your home, such as your appliances. Without realising it, you could be increasing the temperature in your home through the use of appliances such as; stoves, ovens, kettles, dishwashers, washing and drying machines, etc. To avoid adding extra heat to your home, try only using these appliances where completely necessary.

5. Check All Your Seals

As we think about how the heat might be entering your home, it’s also a good idea to think about how the cool air might be escaping. We suggest doing regular inspections of your home for cracks, holes and unsealed windows or doors that could be letting the cool air escape and the heat to enter. While it may only be a small amount of air escaping, it can still make a difference to your home’s temperature and cause your systems to work overtime to make up for it.


There you have it! By implementing these five tips you should be able to successfully improve the temperature in your home and be comfortable through the hot summer months. For more information on ventilation, whole house fans or solar roof ventilation systems, call the experts at Solatube on 13 16 19. 

3 thoughts on “5 Ideas to Improve the Temperature in Your Home

  1. Thank you for these helpful tips. Regular maintenance of our cooling systems can really help a lot most especially during summer where we have to use it almost every time.

  2. Thanks for the ideas. I always suffer the cold in winter and the heat in summer. I think I need the whole house fan to adjust the airflow to reduce the heat.

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