Where the Sun Never Sets

Daylight Body Clock

24hr daylight – such a thing exists. It’s called the ‘midnight sun’. The midnight sun is a natural phenomenon which takes place during summer months in places north of the Arctic Circle (e.g., Canada, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Russia, Sweden, and Alaska). Many find it difficult to sleep during this period – particularly newcomers and tourists.
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How Skylights Can Reduce Your Electricity Bill

Smart LED Light Graph

Electricity costs are constantly on the rise; this is a well-known fact. However, there are several different things that you can do to help you drastically reduce the cost of your electricity. One of the best ways that you can do this is with Skylights. Using artificial lighting during the day is unnecessary when there
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The Health Benefits of Daylight

Family enjoying daylight

Who would think that something as simple as natural daylight could be so beneficial to you and your family’s health and well-being! When it’s time to renovate or build your home, it’s a must to consider skylights and windows to bring the natural light into your rooms. The health benefits of natural light are endless.
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