Building Type


Location: Sydney

The owners of this home were committed to making energy efficiency a top priority, and Solatube Daylighting Systems were the perfect product to help achieve this.


The purpose of the project was to provide the homeowners of “Hammondville” with an aesthetically pleasing natural daylighting solution, that would be inexpensive, energy efficient and add to the beauty of this older home.

Products used

Brighten Up® Series


The versatility of the Solatube Daylighting System allows it to be installed almost anywhere. At “Hammondville” four areas; entry foyer, hallway, kitchen and a family room which overlooked the pool area, were to be addressed.

The entry foyer was fitted with a 160DS and 2.1 metre tube. Whilst in the hallway a 290DS with a 2.1 metre tube transformed the area. In the kitchen a 290DS with a 1.5 meter tube brought energy efficient natural light benefits to a previously dark area. The family room, overlooking the pool, is a large 7 metre by 3.2 metre space and was fitted with two 290DS, with a tube length of 1.5 metres.


Hours of planning and coordination were invested into the redesign of our house interior; painting throughout, new carpeting, porcelain tiles in the foyer and completely new decking at the rear. However, our biggest challenge was to transform the dark drab areas that affected the mood of the house.

Solatube Daylighting Systems achieved that in transforming our house to a bright energy filled home. It is the first thing our visitors notice and comment on. What a difference!” - Barry “Hammondville”

Case Study file download

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Solatube Tubular Daylighting Devices Lighting Living Room Area